Sunday, 29 November 2015

Top 5 freezer friends

On the theme of unbearably low energy days, here are some of my favorite freezer goodies.
These also work for anyone short on time or just plain lazy! ;)

Let's start with the basics:
1. A bag of frozen vegetables
Fresh and raw veggies are always the best but it is surprising how much energy it takes to properly clean and prep vegetables, especially after a round of chemo. These are an easy way to add some much needed nutrients to your meal.

2. Stromboli vegetarian pizza
Pizza is my friend. Pizza is everyone's friend! But sadly there is some guilt associated with being so close to such a friend. On the other hand, this one is packed with yummy garlicky veggies like diced tomatoes and artichokes <3 (this brand is only available in Quebec)

3. Amy's breakfast burrito (organic & vegan)
Ironically I'm not vegan and don't usually like tofu. But these burritos are a yummy and pretty filling quick breakfast option for those morning where even boiling an eggs seems exhausting.

4. Natural selection pizza snacks
Ok ok.... Guilty pleasure! Not particularly nutritious but damn they're good! I actually like these better than pizza pockets...(BLASPHEMY!!). No but seriously they have more filling and the dough is better in my opinion.

5. Edamame
There have been many nights where I wanted a snack, and thought to myself "If I have one more baby carrot I'm going to kill someone".
Boil these babies for 5 minutes, add some salt (and a bit of sesame oil if you're feeling crazy) and voila! A snack fit for a queen :)

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