Saturday, 5 December 2015

Acid Reflux Hell

A big issue for me is acid reflux. I'd say it's as much of an issue as the fatigue in my case! Why? Because it effects my eating :(  and as you've come to learn, food is my life!
It also makes sleeping very uncomfortable and even just getting up from my seat at all a serious pain in the but!
Unfortunately some of my favorite things to eat make it much worse...
Like cheese! OMG fatty and creamy cheese!
Basically anything high in oil or fat definitely does not help. Most sweetened and processed food are not very friendly either!
But I am a big fan of compromise and I've realized the more veggies I eat the easier it is. Raw is always better but cooked works for me too! Camomile tea eases the pain and helps me relax. As long as there is a balance I'm ok.
Raw veggie juice always also gives me a lot of relief. my favorite mix is apple/baby spinach/cucumber and a bit of lemon if you're not too irritated (helps me with nausea too!)

I also drink at least 2 litres of water, sounds easy enough but when your stomach is on fire it can feel very forced.
For protein I try to stick with white meat. Mainly chicken breast. Shrimp and most white fish sit well with me too.
I am in no way a doctor; These are just my little tips and trick and they could apply to anyone with bad acid reflux or irritation.

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